Friday, March 13, 2009

I am.....

a writer, a mother, a wife, a bother, a friend, a daughter, a hero, a failure, a dreamer, a doer, a runner, a mover, a shaker, a great money maker, a child of God, an explorer, a homemaker, a milk drinker, a wine drinker, a great apple pie maker, lover of french fries and cheeseburgers, and blue cheese, and all things salty that crunch.

I am not....
a complainer, a whiner, a quitter, a slacker, a slob, a fashion statement, a political statement, a hero, a zero......

1 comment:

  1. I think you could very easily be a political statement. But politicians would try to quash it immediately. But you could speak for truth, something we rarely see.

    I like how you are both a hero and not a hero.
